My Gratitude
The miracle of Gratitude is that it shifts your perception to such an extent that it changes the world you see. —–Dr. Robert Holden
Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! Doesn’t it sound so humble and heartfelt when this is said or heard?
During my earlier years, I never knew why I should say thank you when life was not going the way I imagined.. Let’s be honest–Were you a person at that age believing that everything happens for a reason and one day everything will make perfect sense? There will always be a reason why you meet people., Some come in our life as teachers, while others will cause us tears through hurt and betrayal? Realize that if a door closes, it’s because what was behind it may not have been best for you?
I honestly admit that I was not the type of person at that age to have expressed such gratitude.. If any one of you had an awareness of all the above mentioned, at such an early age, that is remarkable! Bravo! For me, this awareness happened much later in my life–:) As I evolved, there was not a more pleasant feeling than the gratitude I eventually gained today. I am thankful for every person and situation that has occurred in my life so far—even those who have challenged me.
I’m Grateful to :
First of all, I always bow my head to that High Source of Energy (God) for granting me this life, always holding my hand in difficult times, and giving me strength to write my story in a graceful manner. I truly feel this higher Energy within me.
Blessed with parents who are so committed to their kids, family, and friends. I have always observed them, being extremely hardworking, honest, authentic, respectful to God, having integrity and zest to help people in need. I definitely imbibed all these characteristics from such great models.
My sister, who was always super active, confident, intelligent & a leader in college. Who is still a fighter. My brother who left for heavenly abode at such a young age of 21, after struggling with leukemia for almost 3 years. I had never seen him depressed, sulking, or even shedding tears knowing his thread of breaths is so fragile, can break anytime. :(((( His will power motivates me till date.
My kids, Shivani and Manav, are my real strength and world to me. Their one word “Mom” gives me a sense of indescribable joy. This one gentle word bestowed upon me a power that is ready to take on anything life throws at me.
My extended family and friends who both directly and indirectly influenced me. They have given me wonderful memories to cherish, they have been there when I was in tears, , and have held my hand in their comforting grace.
My teachers from school and college who persistently brought forth the best in me. They are my real heroes who have played a big role in watering a seed to become a tree to offer its shade to the world.
All my dear friends, clients, and people who I have encountered in my everyday life, who inspire me in one way or the other to be a better and more humble person. They have helped me to shine my inner light of love, joy, peace, compassion, and happiness. I am blessed and grateful to share a part of my life with them.
Last but not the least, to all the people who played either a big or small role in my life who have taught me a life lesson. It all turned me into a better and a person who is more mindful of life’s gratitude. All the colors that life has shown me, whether I like it or not, makes perfect sense now. I definitely chose to learn how to draw a rainbow with magnificent colors.
My humble gratitude to each and every person. At this point of life, I gained higher wisdom that everything happens for a meaningful reason. There is always a purpose behind circumstances that we don’t understand. Keep believing in yourself and the divine force. Stay grounded, enjoy every moment of life, and let it take its beautiful course upon you. No matter who tries to teach you lessons about life, you won’t understand it until you go through it on your own.
Stay blessed always.