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If you don’t turn your life into a story, you just become a part of someone else’s story                                                                                                            *Terry Pratchett…

My business brought me close to a lot of people where I feel personally connected with them. Even in everyday life I came across many people who feel they are trapped in life they are leading & can’t get out of it. They feel frustrated, lonely, stressed, discouraged, unfulfilled or bored.

I am sure a lot of you can relate to it, I definitely do.

We all love stories; we love sharing some of our favorite experiences just as much as we enjoy hearing other people’s wild adventures.Whether it’s a intriguing tale of victory after overcoming impossible challenges, a learning experience, or a simple fun moment that happened to us in passing. Storytelling is one of our favorite communication tools and gives us all a better experience of life. How else are we supposed to learn about all that life has to offer? For some reason, even though we all love stories, we usually fail to see the story that every person is. Every person is a story, and it is important for us to reserve our judgements, and simply take in the story that they are telling. Where they have come from? What do they know? What experience have they had? What are they trying to share? Think about all the stories that are being written around the world. Every time somebody share their experiences with us, we get to see what is possible. Every single being is an assortment of possibilities; let’s see them for how beautiful they are. Every one of us is an expression of at least one unique aspect of all that is possible and the less we express ourselves, the less we can experience who and what we really could be. Everyone that is here is essential and plays a vital role in representing a possibility that we would not know about, had they not been around to share. A story can only be a story if it is shared; its very nature is a shared experience. That’s what makes the aspect of sharing just as fundamental to storytelling as the experience itself. Once a story is shared it becomes part of us all. We are all part of each other’s stories. If we want to experience a better story, a better life, for ourselves, then that means everyone else’s story has to also be better as well. So it is important to really understand the value that other people and their actions can bring to our world. Once we see our lives as something that is a part of other people’s lives, we can experience everybody’s joys and successes, because we can see how it benefits us all as a collective – a united human race. As we co-create this world, let us keep making it a better and better adventure for everyone! Let’s make the series of stories that we are all a part of, a masterpiece to be shared.

Few favorite reads of mine :

Your life has purpose. Your story is important. Your dreams count. Your voice matters. Your are born to make an impact. Life isn’t about Finding Yourself. Life is about Creating Yourself. Fill your life with experiences, not things. Have stories to tell, not stuff to show. Life is like a book. Some chapters sad, some happy, & some exciting. But if you never turn the page, you will never know what the next chapter holds. When writing the story of your life…Don’t let anyone else hold the pen!

I invite you all, Let’s Share, Learn, & Evolve 🙂